Tuesday 5 November 2013

So today was an interesting day full of first and new things... My little girl had her first interview for her first school which was an adventure.. then I got my first toy around with the new rang of Light Meter Apps on my Galaxy S3... always relied on the good old fashion white dome meters from way back when but after mine had a little accident and I was left with none a decided to see what all the fuss is about with these new Light Meter Apps... ok ok so they are not a one and only source by far and I will be replacing my Light Meter device but all in all I found the few varieties I downloaded to be very useful and actually surprised the hell out of me... so if your stuck with out a Light Meter and you are in need of one, simply download one of the many Apps, they are all different and I had to download 3 or 4 before I found the one for me but don't be put off by it, there is a large range of free ones you can download a few and find your match as well =D
New things are fun and firsts are great surprising adventures... enjoy!

Monday 4 November 2013

Ok so its been a looooooong while since I have been a blogster.. sorry.. life just seems to have a knack for getting in the way of my online time.. cant say it makes me sad though.. whats life if not to live =D but in saying that I will try to make more of an effort to the non-existent-by-could-be-out-there followers..
Let me start by saying that my gig, as of next weekend, is the official photographer for 'The Dance Works' dance studio in Brisbane! yup.. im absolutely stoked to be apart of the team there and cant wait to get me heels dug in and become an important part and not just 'a part'..
Got a hellova lot of new works to show off as well, just need to find time in my oh-so-crazy schedule to get to posting.
well that's all I have time for folks of the bloggering variety, hope to chat more..
nighty night =D

Friday 16 September 2011

Editing process...
From Raw to Converted to Final image =)
So this shoot was FUN! and bright =)
It help so much that I had worked with this model before.. She just doesn't know how beautiful she  really is! its insane! and i plan on working with her more and more in the future..
now the idea i first started with for this shoot was to balance stand out crazy makeup with simple girlie beauty.. so we teamed up her look with cute floral tops/shorts and very pastel/light colour to contrast her makeup.. now the blue wig! well that was a last minute addition but it really worked great!! i actually planned on just using a super long straight mousy brown wig..
i will put up a behind the scene shot and i might even put up a before/after.. let me know what your
keen on..
ok so pics will have to wait a little while longer while i figure out how to post them bhhahaha yup im new.. cant you tell.. LOL.. but i am working on it =D promises x

Its show time...

Yes its show time.. time to show off some work and the inside stories to some of them.. maybe even some behind the scenes or before and afters..
Don't be shy people.. you got something to say.. spit it out =D
Ask questions and even bad criticism is good criticism.. no one knows everything and everyone want to learn more..
ok time for eye candy.. happy blogging x

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time... funny how fairy tales always start with 'Once upon a time' or even 'long ago...', is that why fairy tales are so hard to find in this day and age.. because they only existed way back when?
And what about the all time favourite 'Dreams do come true' or 'Good things come to those who wait'? ummm more info please?.. when do dreams come true and how long do you have to wait?
Can anyone honestly say they have never done ANYTHING bad? what if it was the smallest bad thing? does that mean you have to start waiting all over again?
These are the things that run through my head daily...
Hi everyone... my name is Sharee and I'm the lead photographer for Teck IX Designs photography... welcome to my blog! I'm new to this blogging thing so I'm not to sure how or what is the 'in' or the 'now' thing to do when blogging... I'm going to do things my way... if its not the norm then hay... I'm far from the norm anyway LOL =)
I can be a bit raw and I'm not afraid to be critically honest... if you don't like what your reading.. its simple.. close your eyes.. =)
Throughout my blogging times i will be answering questions, blogging my likes and dislikes both artistically and personally.. i will be showing off some of my work, including behind the scene and before and afters.. i will be sharing my skillz with some great tips and tricks... and much more.............. happy blogging =D